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Amesbury Little League

Amesbury Little League

Amesbury is part of the Cape Ann Babe Ruth League for those players who have aged out of Little League. This level is for players aged 13 - 15.

During the spring there is a 7 grade division and a 8th grade division, We might also offer a 9th grade division starting in June to 13-15-year-olds after the high school season is over, more infomation will come as we have it. 

This is a travel league and games are played on a 60/90 regulation size baseball diamond at field locations in neighboring towns such as , Georgetown, Hamilton-Wenham, Ipswich, Newburyport, Pentucket, and Triton who are part of CABRL. 

The 2025 regular season is April 28th - June 13th with playoffs the week of June 16th.

All game schedules will be posted on the CABRL once they have been posted. 
 Cape Ann Babe Ruth

Registration cost is $225.

Regular Season Bat rules for Cape Ann BR League

-Players rostered in the 7th grade division must use a drop 8 bat or heavier, as must call-ups. These bats may be USSSA.

-Players rostered in the 8th grade division must use a drop 5 bat or heavier, call-ups may use a drop 8. These bats may be USSA.

-Players in 9th grade must use a drop 3 or heavier BBCOR bat.

-Players in the 9th grade division must use the bat appropriate to their grade or heavier.  For players who intend to use a drop 8 or drop 5 during a game, their coach must inform the opposing coach and umpire at the start of the game, and show that the player has been properly so indicated on the official roster with the League.

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Amesbury Little League
PO Box 104 
Amesbury, Massachusetts 01913

Email: [email protected]

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